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Lorem Ipsum Generator

Quick Placeholder Text for Design & Development

What is the Lorem Ipsum Generator?

The Lorem Ipsum Generator is a powerful yet simple tool that quickly creates various placeholder text. Whether you need paragraphs, words, bytes, or sentences, our generator provides you with professional and customizable Lorem Ipsum text to perfectly meet your needs.

Lorem Ipsum has been the printing and typesetting industry's go-to dummy text since the 1500s. Interestingly, it originated from a nameless printer's serendipitous act - scrambling a handful of type to create a type specimen book. Surprisingly, this practice has not only endured five centuries but also successfully transitioned into the digital age of typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

The purpose of using Lorem Ipsum is to create a natural-looking block of text (a sequence of sentences) that doesn't distract from the layout. Its fairly even distribution of letters makes it resemble readable English. This is why many desktop publishing packages and web page editors use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text.

Fascinatingly, Lorem Ipsum isn't random text, but derives from a 45 BC classical Latin work by Cicero. This 2000-year-old origin was discovered by Richard McClintock, a Latin professor, in Cicero's "De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum".

How to Use the Lorem Ipsum Generator?

  1. Step 1

    Select Format and Quantity

    Choose the format (paragraphs, words, bytes, or sentences) and enter the number you need.

  2. Step 2

    Generate Lorem Ipsum

    Click the 'Generate' button to create your Lorem Ipsum text.

  3. Step 3

    Copy Generated Text

    Copy the generated Lorem Ipsum text and use it in your design or project.

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Dịch thuật AI chính xác trong hơn 100 ngôn ngữ

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Hỗ trợ hơn 100 ngôn ngữ

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